COVID-19 Update: May 10,2021

As of 12:01am Sunday, May 9th, for a period of three (3) weeks, the Province of Manitoba announced new public health orders. New restrictions include: Gyms and fitness centres must…


Sport Manitoba Announces new CEO

Sport Manitoba’s board of directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Janet McMahon to President and Chief Executive Officer of Sport Manitoba.  In this role, McMahon will lead the…


COVID-19 update: April 21/21

MCA: COVID-19 UPDATE *PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY * Wednesday, April 21, 2021 In follow-up to discussions today with Sport Manitoba, Jeff Hnatiuk (deputy minister of sport, culture, and heritage),…


Cycling Canada – April Newsletter

APRIL 2021 Version française ci-dessous A letter from Cycling Canada's CEO: Matthew Jeffries:It’s now been a full year since the COVID-19 pandemic changed all of our lives. And one year later it continues…


Welcome new “Manitoba Cycling” clubs!

A warm welcome to three (3) new "Kids of Mud" cycling clubs who will be launching this fall! Neepawa Kids of Mud Northern Bike Company Club (Winnipeg) Woodcock Cycle-Paths (Winnipeg)…

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