COVID-19 Update: May 10,2021

As of 12:01am Sunday, May 9th, for a period of three (3) weeks, the Province of Manitoba announced new public health orders. New restrictions include: Gyms and fitness centres must…


COVID-19 update: April 21/21

MCA: COVID-19 UPDATE *PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY * Wednesday, April 21, 2021 In follow-up to discussions today with Sport Manitoba, Jeff Hnatiuk (deputy minister of sport, culture, and heritage),…


Welcome new “Manitoba Cycling” clubs!

A warm welcome to three (3) new "Kids of Mud" cycling clubs who will be launching this fall! Neepawa Kids of Mud Northern Bike Company Club (Winnipeg) Woodcock Cycle-Paths (Winnipeg)…

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