BISON BUTTE – It takes a village!
If you haven’t been to “the Butte” lately, come and experience the trail upgrades for yourself or come to cheer on the World Police Fire Games competition being held here on Aug 04 or the MCA Manitoba Provincial Mountain Bike Championships on Saturday Aug 05!
The Bison Butte Mountain bike trails venue is leased by FortWhyte alive to the city of Winnipeg. Manitoba Cycling’s agreement is to maintain the existing trails through volunteers and grants obtained for approved work.
This year, we have been fortunate to receive the support of several organizations and individuals which have helped us progress towards a more “family friendly” experience on the trails whilst keeping the site as a Mountain bike destination to advance skills for programming and competitions. Thank you to Wayne Bishop of 2Wheel Revolution for his vision and labour as well to the following groups for their financial contribution:
- Manitoba Cycling Association Inc. financial allocation
- Manitoba Government: MRTA (Manitoba Recreational Trails Association Inc.
- 2017 Canada Summer Games legacy Grant
- Urban Green Team Grant
A special Thank you to the eleven (11) summer staff and site supervisory support working onsite until the end of August:
- Abby Guenter
- Adam Smith
- Alexis Hilderbrand
- Amelia Uhmann
- Duncan McGowan
- Ethan Robichaud
- Gavin Tryon
- Jack Tryon
- Jackson Smith
- Malenna Amyotte
- Owen Pauls
- Dave Ternier – Site Supervisor
- Kevin Braun – Site Supervisor
We would also like to thank all of the individuals who supported our volunteer effort on June 13/23!
The MCA has received approval to accept donations and issue tax receipts through the National Sport Trust Fund (NSTF). More info (here)!
The MCA will be forming a small volunteer working committee to help establish ongoing priorities and obtain future grants. The committee will be responsible for the planning, coordination and implementation of future maintenance activities at Bison Butte, reporting into the MCA Board of Directors. If you are interested in particiating as a working member please contact Twila at the MCA office: 204-925-5686 or
Happy Trails!