Apr 30 + May 01: Basic Bike Skills date change!

Attention all Coaches in Training!

The Basic Bikes Skills training, originally scheduled for April 30 and May 01 has been postponed due to weather/trail conditions.

Reminder: This is a full (one day only) day of training on your bike, outdoors (9am to 4pm)

  • Winnipeg: Saturday May 14,2022 : Event info (Here)
  • Winnipeg: Sunday: May 15,2022: Event info (Here)

If you were already booked for the April 30 or May 01 training session, NCCP Learning Faciliator, Monika Robertson will be in contact via email.

All those attending the Basic Bike Skills training, must have completed all pre-requisite training courses prior to attending Basic Bike Skills.

If your club is not in Winnipeg but you have coaches in need of training, please contact Monika Robertson to discuss possible options.

  • Monika Robertson
  • NCCP Learning Facilitator, Manitoba Cycling Association
  • mubouch@shaw.ca
  • 204-261-3348



 Pre-Requisite Training Requirements:


  1. Cycling Foundations eLearning (1 hour on your own) $15:
  2. NCCP Making Ethical Decisions course and online Evaluation (4 hours, Online, facilitator lead) $40
    • Register here:  https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#MED-E (check the Calendar for available courses)
    • Pre-requisites: Cycling Foundations eLearning
    • This course is sport generic so coaches may have taken it before with another sport and it is honored in cycling
  3. NCCP Emergency Action Plan (15 mins, on your own) No Cost
  4. Practice Planning (2 x 2 hours – Online, facilitator lead) $45
    • Register here: https://edu.cyclingcanada.ca
    • Pre-requisites: Cycling Foundations eLearning, NCCP Making Ethical Decisions, NCCP Emergency Action Plan
  5. Basic Bike Skills (6 hours – In Person, facilitator lead) $60
    • Register here: https://edu.cyclingcanada.ca
    • Pre-requisites: Cycling Foundations eLearning, NCCP Making Ethical Decisions, NCCP Emergency Action Plan, Practice Planning
  6.  RESCPECT IN SPORT – a Sport Manitoba Requirement. This course is sport generic so coaches may have taken it before with another sport and it is honored in cycling