Wednesday Night Race #1 – RESULTS
Wednesday, May 11 was the racing “season opener” and first Mountain bike race of the Wednesday Night Series. Lots of smiling faces, no rain, and a total of 50 people registered to race. Thankyou to race organizer: Nic Robitaille, Officials: Karin McSherry, Candace Gauthier, Jason Howden, and all the volunteers, participants, and spectators who came out to support this event.
Questions/concerns about the series, race results, lost and found etc. can be forwarded to Gill Cooper @
The next Wednesday Night race will be hosted by the Velodonnas on May 18th. Hope to see you there!
Adult draw prize winners: Sorren Weselake, Steven Shi & Alex Kares
Lost property available for collection at the next WNR which will be hosted by the Velodonnas. See Gill Cooper.
*Reminder: there will be a GRAND PRIZE DRAW at the end of series for all racers.