Training Crit – Information Evening April 17th, Formal Gardens
You are cordially invited to an evening information and organization session for the Tuesday Night Training Crits. The session will be held on Tuesday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Formal Gardens in Assiniboine Park.
This session is for parents, volunteers, and current, former or wannabe commissaires – and new racers of any age (remember that all licensed racers of any age are invited to race at the Training Crits.)
One idea embedded in Training Crits is to extend the training theme to all major functions for a race: commissaires, organizers, and volunteers. Getting together ahead of time will help ensure things go smoothly at the first Training Criterium on Tues, April 24. We will discuss the various roles needed to run a Criterium race and the responsibilities of each role. And we’ll go over the idea of a training crit, and the opportunity this format provides for developing commissaires for road and cross events.
Remember that the differences with the Training Crits are quite minor:
Coaches from clubs or the provincial team will be allowed to ride alongside their athletes to provide real-time tips, cues and strategies (but they can’t compete later for themselves);
Coaches must be:
1) NCCP Certified: • Old System – Level 1 ROAD CERTIFIED or higher; or • New System – Introduction to Competition Coaching Stream – Trained or Certified.
2) Meet the requirements of MCA Coaching Standards Policy.
Training Race = no posted results: The outcome of a training race will be contested by the racers, but the final standings will not be published on the website. The goal is close competition but without the public ranking of individuals. Thus coaches will be permitted to ride with their athletes in a training race without the risk of affecting an important outcome.
This race format has been used with great success in other provinces (and to the disadvantage of our developing MB racers). Our insurance company, Marsh Canada Ltd., is on side and will provide insurance coverage for MCA members. The Canadian Cycling Association (CCA) has provided their blessing, and Sport Manitoba is fully supportive of the initiative since it complies with LTAD and Sport for Life concepts.
The Tuesday Night Criteriums will be a win-win experience for everyone. Hard core riders will continue to get the best competition our road community can muster.
Developing racers of any age will get real-time coaching. Coaches will get an opportunity to make a difference in their athletes’ performance and gain valuable practical coaching experience in a competitive setting. Clubs and stores will gain exposure. Finally commissaires will get an opportunity to grow and develop their expertise as they march up the hierarchy of officiating.