The MCA would like to acknowledge and congratulate 37 new Community Initiation Coaches this year. We would also like to send a big shout-out to our Learning Facilitator, Monika Robertson for her hours of preparation and dedication towards this effort.
Thank you
Adrian | Alphonso |
Jay | Barbosa-Meyer |
Luke | Barr |
Meagan | Boles |
Gavin | Broadbent |
Amy | Buchanan |
Ryan | Cardwell |
Clayton | Carefoot |
Fernie | Conrad |
David | Desharnais |
Quinn | Desrochers |
Jason | Doverspike |
Paul | Dyck |
Gavin | Faurschou |
Paul | Fehr |
Jordan | Friesen |
Brendan | Gardner |
Adam | Gerhard |
Vince | Hiebert |
Michael | Holleley |
Lee | Jeffrey |
Ruth | Jones |
Nick | Kolisnyk |
eunel | matula |
Kirby | McGowan |
Andrew | McKenzie |
Marlene | McNarland |
Mark | Nazar |
Christopher | Neufeld |
Art | Pash |
Jack | Rach |
Franklin | Rempel |
Ruben | Simon |
Ken | Smith |
Jennifer | Weber |
Gilles | Wideman (Ringer) |
Blake | Wood |