Call for Nominations:
1)Representative to the Sport Manitoba Board of Directors
Sport Manitoba’s Board of Directors is comprised of 16 members with representation from the Province of Manitoba (Minister of Sport appointees), Provincial Sport Organizations, Regional Sport Associations, Manitoba Games Council, Manitoba Athletes Association, Educational Institutions, Manitoba Sport Medicine Council and Coaching. Candidates must forward a resume and be nominated thru the PSO. The term is for a three-year period, thus the
term of the person elected this year will expire in the year 2017. The time commitment for the Board of Directors includes approximately 4 Board meetings with individual preparation time and may involve participation on Board Task Force meetings.
2)Representative to the Selection Committee of the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Inc.
The Selection Committee of the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Inc. is comprised of 15 members of whom four are Provincial Sport Organization representatives. The term is for a three-year period, thus the term of the persons elected this year will expire in the year 2017. The time commitment for the Selection Committee 2 meetings a year and individual review time prior to the selection process in May/June.
Please contact the MCA if you would like the “Terms of Reference” for either of these positions.
Please submit Nominations, Nominee Profile, and resume by March 7, 2014