Event Reminders: Insurance for non-licensed participants & waivers
For organizers wishing to arrange insurance for non-licensed participation please complete the 2018 Commercial Event Application and forward to cycling.ed@sportmanitoba.ca asap.
Please allow at least 2 weeks for insurance processing.
Waiver Reminders:
Organizers are no longer required to collect paper waivers at MCA sanctioned events as long at the participant is a MCA Member. Some clubs may prefer to collect waivers for their own risk management perspective, but this is no longer a MCA requirement.
For clubs who have purchased commercial event insurance for non-licensed participation, a paper waiver, specific for each event, must be signed by each non-licensed participant prior to racing. This includes non-licensed kids races in which case a parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver.
Adult Waiver: CLICK HERE
U18 Waiver: CLICK HERE