Cyclcross racing begins September 15.
Visit: www.http;?/ for further details.
Stayed tuned for race details posted on the Race calendar to the right of this page.
1)September 15 : Dark Cross, hosted by the Fort Garry Bike Club
2)September 22: Cross Race, hosted by the Portage Junk Yard Dogs
3)September 29: Menno Cross, hosted by CMU
4)October 7: BeachCross, hosted by the Olympia Cycle Club
5)October 14: Southern Cross, hosted by ABES
6)Octobert 21: Cross Tastic – Cross Provincials, hosted by FOG
7)October 28: Camp Assiniboia, hosted by Red River Racing
8)December 22: End of the World Cross, hosted by the Olympia Cycle Club
A sincere Thank you goes out to the Race Organizers and their volunteers who make these events possible. A great deal of energy and effort goes into creating a race and whether you are an avid competitor, want to try racing for the first time, or just want to come out and spectate..we encourage everyone to join us this Fall.