The MCA is looking for individuals to assist with its publications and promotions.
What does this position entail? Here are the detail:
Purpose: to facilitate the promotion of the Manitoba Cycling Association (MCA) through the development and maintenance of print and electronic publications.
Scope: a volunteer body of up to 4 individuals to assist the executive director, president, and the board with the development and maintenance of MCA website and the creation and editing of print materials that promotes the MCA and its activities.
Reporting: the committee reports to the executive director and president of the MCA.
Members: the committee should be comprised of 4 volunteer members. Members must have experience and knowledge in the areas of web development, design, copywriting, and information dissemination.
Committee members should volunteer for a period of two years.
Members can volunteer for more than one term.
The executive director and the president must approve the appointment of all committee members.
Committee members can create content and design for the MCA website and promotional materials, but all content and design changes must be approved by either the executive director, president, or board member prior to publication
The executive director shall act as the board representative for the committee
The committee will set meeting as needed, but mostly will conduct its work electronically.
Upon request, assist the executive director, president, and board with the design and content of electronic and print materials
Make changes to the MCA website as directed by the executive director, president, and board
Maintain the MCA website, making sure that it is available and accessible to the membership
Assist the executive director, president, and board with adding content to the MCA website
If you are interested please contact Ron in the MCA office