Winnipeg Transportation Master Plan – Public Open House
The City of Winnipeg staff and consultant team invite you to attend the second Open House for the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Drop by to view the main comments received from the public and stakeholders meetings and review the key directions and opportunities for the following transportation components:
- Transit
- Roads
- Goods Movement
- Active Transportation
- Transportation Demand Management
- Funding, Financing, and Governance
We would like to hear from you on this important stage of the process!
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Time: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: The Forks Market Atrium (at the base of the Forks Tower)
Format: Drop in anytime – no formal presentation.
Staff will be on hand to answer questions and collect feedback you may have.
Visit the following Website to view or download the latest version of the TMP Newsletter: