In regards to the new public health orders beginning this Saturday, August 7 at 12:01 a.m., outside of spectator capacities, there are no longer any formal restrictions on sport.
However, while masks are not required, they remain strongly recommended for indoor settings.
Manitoba Cycling supports this message and encourages our clubs and event organizers to implement the safety protocols necessary to protect their members, participants, volunteers, and communities as a whole. Contact information, hand hygiene, physical distancing, mask requirements and vaccinations, are all still considered valuable tools.
Below are the updated public health orders related to sport and recreation.
- The number of spectators at an indoor or outdoor sporting or recreational facility must not exceed 50% of the usual spectator capacity of the facility.
- Facilities implement measures to ensure that members of the public who are not engaged in sporting or recreational activities are reasonably able to maintain a separation of at least two metres from other members of the public while at the facility.
To read the full order document, click here.
Thank you