As you are aware, the Manitoba government is working on developing a Provincial Trails Strategy. As part of this process, the government is seeking input from trail users, builders, communities and other potentially interested individuals and organizations. To that end, you may have participated in a survey for trail users and builders a couple of months ago, and if so, I appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas and experiences.
We have now launched a second survey, which is directed at the wider public – specifically, current and potential trail users. We hope that you will respond to the survey yourself, if interested, as well as take the time to share this information with your network to encourage participation in the survey. By completing the survey, respondents will have the opportunity to share their views on what they value in a recreational trail network, barriers to using trails, and how to get people more involved with using and supporting trails.
This survey can be found online at https://engagemb.ca/manitoba-trails-strategy and will be open until January 15th, 2021. Once it has closed and the survey results have been analyzed, the input received will be considered during the process of developing the Trails Strategy, along with the results of the previous survey as well as a variety of other sources of information.
If you have any questions about the survey or the Provincial Trails Strategy in general, please feel free to send us an email at MBTrails@gov.mb.ca.
Thank you for your time,
Ashleigh Hall
Park Planner
Department of Conservation and Climate
Box 53, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3