2010 MCA Provincial Road Championships
The MCA is pleased to announce that the 2010 Provincial Road Championships will take place on Saturday September 4, 2010 at Holland, Manitoba.
Date: Saturday, September 4th
Location: Highway 34, a few kilometers north of Holland, MB (see Map below)
A UCI Racing Licence is required. You must hold a valid UCI race licence. A citizen’s licence or MCA general membership is not valid for Provincial Championships. Riders with a UCI racing licence issued by a cycling federation other than Manitoba (including other countries) may compete, but are not eligible for medals.
You must complete the race registration form and race waiver. Pre-registration is highly recommended. For your convenience there are two drop off locations. Completed forms with full payment may be dropped off at Unicity Eye Clinic (Polo Park) or Woodcock Cycle Works (433 St.Mary’s Road). Please print your forms out ahead of time as forms may not be available at these locations.
- Up until 5:00 pm Thursday Sept. 2nd $20 cash or cheque, $22 credit card / debit
- Race day until 10:30 a.m. – $40 Cash only
- If paying by cheque please make your cheque out to Manitoba Cycling Association.
- All fees are non-refundable. Full payment must accompany registration. Incomplete forms and/or insufficient payment will result in non-registration.
Pre-registration method:
1) In person
- Unicity Eye Clinic (Polo Park, downstairs beside LensCrafters, 953-5560)
- Bring your completed forms and payment. Office hours are M-F 9-5. After hours payments can be made by placing your forms and cash or cheque in an envelope and throwing it through the gate.
- Cash
- Cheque
- VISA – no other cards
Woodcock Cycle Works (433 St. Mary’s Road, 253-5896).
- Bring your completed forms and payment. Store hours are M-F10-8, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5.
- Cash
- Cheque
- Credit card
- Debit
2) Fax
Fax your entry forms (waiver and registration) and valid VISA number including name on card and expiration date to 953-5569.
- VISA only. No Mastercard, Amex, or other credit cards
- must be received before Sept 2, 5:00 pm
3) Out of Town
If you live outside of Winnipeg you may email me at mca_road@mts.net about your intention to attend and with your complete registration information. The above time lines apply and you give your word that you will be responsible for payment whether you attend or not. If you have previously used this method and have failed to follow through with payment I will NOT accept an email entry.
All racers must still sign-in the morning of the race. Riders must show their licence to the commissaries. Sign-in will start at 9:30 a.m. and will end at 10:30 a.m. No exceptions.
Race Distances:
- Age categories are determined by your age as of December 31, 2010.
- A number of categories may race together, but you compete only against others in your age and sex catergory.
- Each loop of the course is approximately 21 km
- Riders will assemble at the sign-in area before a 2.5 km neutral start to the north turn around point after which they will complete the prescribed number of laps.
- GROUP 1 – Junior, Espoir & Senior Men: 5 Laps approx. 108 km
- GROUP 2 – Senior Women, Master A & Master B Men: 4 Laps approx. 87 km
- GROUP 3 – Everyone else: 3 Laps approx. 66 km
Start Times:
- 11:00 a.m. for Group 1, followed a few minutes later by Group 2, and then by Group 3
- Riders will assemble before the start time for roll call and final instructions
Parking is available at the sign-in area.
An outhouse is located at the sign-in area.
- The race takes place on an active highway. Marshals do not have the authority to force vehicles to stop. Keep your head up at all times. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure it is safe to proceed.
- Riders are required to wear a hard-shell ANSI or SNELL approved helmet while racing, warming up, and cooling down.
- Please do not mill around on the road before or after your race. It is a traffic hazard and discourteous to riders still racing and to drivers.
Races will take place rain or shine and will only be cancelled/postponed if conditions are determined to be dangerous to riders or volunteers.
Course Map:
A Google version of the course can be found here: