Pre-Devo Program
This unique program offers 2 hr sessions twice a week for athletes who are age 12-18 and want to get onto Team Manitoba’s Development Team. Athletes must apply to be accepted into the program. The goal for this program is to enhance physical fitness and technical skills on 2 hr challenging rides on Monday and Wednesdays, during July and August.
Applicants will be asked to submit a video of them riding and performing the following skills: riding over obstacles (such as trees, berms and small jumps), pump tracks, and hopping over without touching an object (water bottle, curb, or similar height), and riding side by side another rider. It is strongly suggested that athletes have 2 years of racing experience or Kids Of Mud, or have completed the MCA Advanced Summer Camp in 2020.
This is a perfect opportunity to challenge abilities and fitness throughout the summer!
Pre-Devo Camp will take place every Monday’s and Wednesdays starting July 19th
Contact Coach Aaron to discuss ability level aaroncmssa@gmail.com or call 204-905-0485
Camp Dates:
July 19 + 21
July 26+28
Aug 2 + 4
Aug 9 + 11
Aug 16 + 18
Aug 23 + 25
Aug 30
Registration cut of is July 17th at midnight.
All participants must have a 2021 MCA membership. This can be purchased at time of camp registration.