Every year Sport Manitoba celebrates acheivement in sport in the province, recognizing athletes, officials, coaches, and volunteers who have excelled this past year.
Who are the stars you feel need to be recognized in Cycling ?
To access a nomination form go to : http://sportmanitoba.ca/nightofchampions before February 22,2013.
Who should be recognized ?
· Individual athletes who have surpassed expectations
· Team members who put forward a cooperative effort in their pursuit of common goals to achieve greatness
· Skilled and capable officials who devote countless hours to sport development and are respected as advocates for fair play and ethical behaviour?
· Volunteers who have no limits to the time they commit to sport and whose energy and enthusiasm serves as an inspiration to us all ?
Nomination deadline is February 22, 2013. For more info and nomination forms, go to: http://sportmanitoba.ca/nightofchampions
Coaches can also be celebrated for their achievements through the Coaching Manitoba Excellence Awards. Finalists from these awards are forwarded on for consideration for the Coach of the Year Award to be presented at the Night of Champions. Nomination forms for coaches can be found here: http://www.coachingmanitoba.ca/recognition/recognition_excellence_awards.php
Let’s put Manitoba cycling’s best on the pedestal and reward them by showing them off to the rest of Manitoba.