The following process will apply to License & Event waivers effective immediately:
License/Event waivers (including parent consent) will now be collected online when you complete your license registration thru “CCN”.
As long as you are a MCA member and produce your license as proof at club rides and race events, you are no longer required to sign a second “Paper” waiver to participate at MCA Sanctioned Events.
Clubs and Race organizers reserve the right to collect paper waivers as part of their own club risk management strategy.
You will need to sign a paper waiver in the following instances:
1) You forget your license at home and therefore can’t provide proof to the Club Ride Leader or Race Event Commissaire that you hold a valid license.
2) You purchase your license on Race Day (vs Online in advance). Note: waivers for participants age 17 or younger, must be signed by an adult (18 years or older). The waiver can be signed by someone other than the parent or legal guardian, but the signer may find themselves in an awkward position in the event of litigation, since they are accepting responsibility for the youth’s participation. We recommend that youth waivers be signed by a parent/legal guardian.
3) You are a non-licensed participate, participating at an “Open Race”. The organizer has purchased additional insurance to allow non-licensed participation, however, All non-licensed participants must sign a waiver every time they participate (this includes kids races).
4) A club may request that you sign a waiver if you “try-out” for their club, in addition to proof of your MCA membership.
Do not alter the waiver in any way, specifically the language or spacing. Paper waivers must be submitted on the appropriate sized paper (8.5 X 11)
Race organizers should always have paper copies of the License & Event waiver on hand on race day.
More information on Club Risk Management Requirements can be found (Here)
Frequently Asked Questions about Member Insurance can be found (Here)