Friday, March 27, 2020
Hello to all MCA members,
The Manitoba Cycling Association continues to closely monitor provincial, federal and global health agencies related to the rapidly changing coronarvirus pandemic (COVID-19).
The health and safety of our members, staff, and community remains our highest priority.
This message is a follow-up to our last communication on Tuesday March17, to help clarify what decisions have been made in regards to events, races and other MCA sanctioned activities.
Please note that the following decisions have been implemented and will remain in place until further notice:
All sanctioned activity has been postponed indefinitely. This includes:
- All club rides and activities
- Kids of Mud Program
- Multi-Sport cycling program scheduled for Apr 21, 28 and May 5
- All Provincial Team indoor and outdoor team training
All April programs and events are under review. Events are being looked at on a case by case basis in collaboration with our race organizers.It is our goal to postpone events to a future date where necessary/possible. It is not our goal to cancel the race season, however it is not known at this time when we will be in a position to safely start up. Event updates will be posted as confirmed here: https://mbcycling.ca/events/
In addition, the following have been suspended at the Sport Manitoba Fitness Centre until further notice: meeting rooms, Qualico fitness centre, all program training. As of Monday, March 23 only virtual/phone physician services will be offered at the Sport Medicine clinic. Please visit sportmanitoba.ca for further updates.
We all need to do our part inorder to see a return to ‘normal’ as soon as possible.
Please continue to follow recommended personal hygiene practices:
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Cover both your nose and mouth when coughing. Try to cough or sneeze into your arm, away from others, or into tissue paper (to be disposed in toilet). Wash your hands immediately afterwards.
- Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness.
- Face masks are most effective in preventing transmission when worn by the person who is ill.
MCA will provide updates to our members periodically on the status of the race reason. As an organization that’s largely run by volunteers who are equally passionate about cycling, please know that we are paying close attention to the COVID-19 pandemic, and are in constant communication around making the right, safe decisions for our members and the race community.