Friday, April 3 2020
The health and safety of everyone involved in cycling is our top priority.
The Manitoba Cycling Association is taking all measures to ensure members of our community continue to be diligent in an effort to mitigate risk within our control. We continue to follow the advice of Canadian Health Officials and the recommendations of our National cycling partners at Cycling Canada as we navigate this unprecedented and rapidly evolving situation.
Further to our communications posted on March 17 and March 27, and in collaboration with our Event Organizers, it has been decided that All MCA Sanctioned and supported events in April will be cancelled at this time.
Starting Sunday April 5, we will be ‘testing’ a new “Manitoba virtual spring series”. You will need a trainer and a computer device to run the program. We welcome all of our members to join us from home. Further details here: https://mbcycling.ca/events/
Event’s scheduled to occur in May are being reviewed on a case by case basis. Every effort will be made to reschedule events and programming to a future date where possible.
All organizers who have made the decision to postpone their event will be asked to submit to Manitoba Cycling their two preferred postponement date options. We will make every best effort to try and accommodate your requests when the 2020 season resumes. Please contact your Race discipline Director to discuss.
Mountain Bike: JP Peters mtb.mbcycling@gmail.com
Road Cycling: Don Rose road.mbcycling@gmail.com
Event updates will be posted as confirmed here: https://mbcycling.ca/events/
The MCA will continue to advise and direct all events moving forward with a continued abundance of caution. We recommend that all clubs, athletes and members postpone or cancel any gatherings such as group rides and in-person group meetings for the immediate future. The Manitoba Cycling Association cannot approve or endorse group activity until further notice.
We will continue to track the latest developments and meet with our partners to assess the situation and its impacts and continue to update our stakeholder and members in a timely manner.
We encourage you to access all resources available, examples of which are located below.