Manitoba Cycling is looking for additional board members to round out our amazing team! The MCA board is responsible for helping steer the direction of the association in collaboration with the MCA Executive Director and other board members. We value our community, our stakeholders voice, and the passion Manitobans have to grow cycling as both a sport and recreational opportunity.
The Manitoba cycling board of directors values diversity and equal representation. We encourage all members, from every region of the province, to consider running.
Our Mission, Vision, and Values
Which board positions are up for Election this year?
Vice president, treasurer, *secretary, road coordinator, cyclocross coordinator, *provincial program coordinator.
Details (Here)
When do elections take place?
Monday, November 15th (7pm-8pm CST).
How do I vote?
Please pre-register to attend the AGM no later than 12noon, November 15 (Here).
Although anyone can attend the AGM, only MCA members in good standing have voting rights with respect to Motions and Elections.
How long are your Board Terms?
2 years, unless indicated otherwise.
Details (Here)
What is the time committment I can expect?
Monthly Meetings: 1 hour/month
Chairing Race and program committee meetings: 3-4/year (specific to Race and program coordinators)
Board members may lead or contribute to special projects, sub-committees, and strategic initiatives from time to time which are typically short-term. Time will vary per initiative. Committees are formed to share the workload, offer expertise, and ensure stakeholders from each club have a voice. MCA members (not part of the board of directors) may also support specific tasks or be involved in sub-committee projects as determined by the board of directors.
What qualifications would be an asset to the association?
- Business Development
- Communications
- Corporate Relations
- Financial/Accounting
- Fundraising
- Governance + Policy
- High Performance Sport
- Human Resourses
- legal
- Marketing
- Organizational Development
- Previous board experience
- Project Management
- Risk Management
- Sponsorship
- Strategic Planning
Need More Information?
Contact Manitoba Cycling Executive Director, Twila Cruickshank
Phone: 204-925-5686