Host Club: FOG
Race Organizer: Gary Sewell
Date: 02/05/2010
Registration and Waiver: Registration is at the race site. To save time download the waiver, fill it out and present it at registration
Designation: MCA Road Cup #2 – Individual Time Trial
Location: Birds Hill Park. Enter the Park and take South Drive to the Start/Finish area
- Registration starts at 9:00, ends at 10:30. Please come early to prevent line ups.
- To save time please print and fill out the waiver ahead of time
- 11:00 a.m. race start. Non-licensed riders first, then citizen licence, cat 5, cat 4, cat 1-3.
Race Particulars:
- 1 or 2 laps for non-licensed, 1 or 2 laps for citizen, 2 laps for cat 1 to 5
- 1 lap is 11.3 km ridden clock wise
- $13 entry each for everyone. $2 race levy for cup races already included. And no extra charges for non-licensed racers
- In keeping with FOG tradition all profits will be returned to racers in prizes.
- Draw prizes at end of race. You must be present to claim prize.
Parking is available at the start finish area. Please park on the inside of the loop only. In the interest of safety please pull your vehicle well-off the road so that your rear bumper is at least two feet away from the shoulder. If you are worried about easy ingress and egress of your vehicle park on the flatter area towards the eastern side of the start/finish area.
The park will not be closed to vehicular traffic. Marshals do not have the authority to force vehicles to stop. Keep your head up at all times. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure it is safe to proceed.
Please keep the side of the road clear. Riders will be constantly racing by before and after your ride.
Helmets are mandatory. Riders are required to wear a hard-shell ANSI or SNELL approved helmet while racing, warming up, and cooling down.
Park so your bumper is well off the side of the road. Park only on the inside side of the loop, not the outside.
Do not mill around on the road before or after your race. It is a traffic hazard and discourteous to riders still racing and other park users.
- Special time trial equipment is not needed.
- All bikes welcome. Traditional road bikes will meet UCI guidelines. Some triathlon bikes and old school time trial specific bikes may not and will be ranked separately.
- Commissaires have the discretion to disallow the use of any equipment they consider unsafe.
Some regulations of note:
- The front tip of the seat must be at least 5 cm behind a vertical line passing through the centre of the bottom bracket.
- The handlebar extensions must extend no further than 75 cm ahead of a vertical line passing through the centre of the bottom bracket (does not apply to the shifters which may extend further).
- A single race number must be pinned to the back of each rider’s jersey (as opposed to the usual two for road races). Numbers will be provided to non-licenced riders at sign-in. You will instructed as to the proper location on race day.
Located on both sides of the loop road a few hundred meters east of the start/finish area down the hill towards the east beach.