*Important: Club Activities + Insurance*

Friendly reminder:

Insurance coverage is provided to MCA Affiliated clubs for sanctioned/approved activities

A sanctioned event is defined as an organized group ride which is documented prior to the date of the event and on file with the Manitoba Cycling Association.

Lists of individual members participating in the ride must be on file with the club.

Events organized and conducted by individual members does not automatically constitute a sanctioned event. An executive member of a member club or an executive of Manitoba Cycling will be required to provide sanctioning approval prior to the event taking place.

Failure to obtain sanctioning approval or failure to document the sanctioned event may result in a breach of coverage.

The insurer does not have any duty to defend any individual member for any suit arising as a result of a non-sanctioned event or improperly documented sanctioned event.

Please report club activities (in advance to them happening) via email to cycling@sportmanitoba.ca

More information on club rides and activities here:  https://mbcycling.ca/club-information/club-rides/