Photos are now required for all UCI/CCA licenses. This includes Kids of Mud, race licenses.
If you have need to add a photo to the file you created online, please follow these steps :
1)Take a photo and save it to your computer (take note of where you saved the picture)
2)Login to
3)Go to “my licenses and memberships”
4)You will see the licenses you have created under your login. Choose the one you need to edit (or add a photo to)
5)Select the blue “Action” button
6)Choose “Edit Photo”
7)”Upload” photo
If you have technical challenges when uploading your photo, the staff at CCN are happy to help. Please contact the toll-free help line at 1-888-988-2453.
Please refrain from emailing your photo to the office as this will delay processing.
Thank you for your support.