Female only Race Series for Women Racers U19 and U17.

  • U17 and U19 women interested in racing
  • Athletes will be divided in to training groups based on race/skill experience
  • 12 days with 7 races with on and off the bike training sessions
  • Mentors in the races to provide instant feedback, take video, and do race pre and post briefs

STRIVE FOR MORE! What does “more” mean?  Well, that’s up to you … more speed, more skill, more friends, more tactical knowledge, more race experience, more off-the-bike skills … We will work on all kinds of “more” with U17 and U19 women athletes leaving with a full toolbox of new racing skills, gained confidence, and friends from across the continent.  Seven races in twelve days, real-time race feedback, skill training, and off the bike fun.  Athletes will stay in dorms from July 25 to August 6, 2024 in Calgary, Canada, learning life long skills and gaining forever friends.  Find out more and register at strivecyclingstagerace.ca.