WHAT: The Annual General Meeting is a mandatory yearly gathering of a company’s interested shareholders.
WHY: Shareholders with voting rights vote on current issues and appointments to the association’s board of directors. The AGM allows members to hear reports from Committees on the achievements and work over the past year and to elect Committee Directors for the next term.
WHEN: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2020 starting at 7pm CST
WHERE: Zoom Conference.
WHO: Anyone is welcome to attend. Only individual (2020) license holders have voting rights. Voting rights of individual members who are younger than sixteen (16) years of age (“minor”) are vested in the parent or guardian of the member.
HOW: Call-in details will be sent to members who pre-register in advance only. Pre-registration for this year’s AGM closes at midnight Thursday, Nov 19, 2020.
More about the Meeting Format (Here!)
Reports and Supporting Documents (Here)