Date: November 7, 2010
Location: Windsor Park Golf Course/King George Park
Times: (Remember that daylight savings goes into effect on this day):
Citizen race at noon 12 PM, 20 min + 2 laps
Kids U13 race at 12:45 PM, 10 min +2 laps (modified course)
U15, U17, all women, male 40+, male 50+ – 1:15 PM (35 min + 2 laps)
U23, Elite (24-29), male 30+ – 2:30 PM (45 min + 2 laps)
Registration: Registration opens at 11:00 AM and ends 30 minutes before your event. You must hold a UCI/CCA racing licence, MCA citizen licence or KOM licence. Registration forms will be available online and at registration. Please download the form and waiver, fill out and bring the completed form and waiver to the race.
Cost: $15 for U17 and above. Free for U15 and citizens holding a MCA citizen license. Cash and cheque only. Make cheques out to the Woodcock Cycle
Categories: The provincial championships are based on age. Because cyclocross is on next year’s calendar, the age category you race in is based on your age as of December 31, 2011. Additional categories may be added based on registration numbers.
Prizes: Medals to be awarded to each license category top 3. Additional prizing will be awarded for each start, male and female. Additional prizing is based on registration numbers.
Race Course: The course will be between 2.5 and 2.8 km. There will be a double barrier, two ditch crossings, grass, some paved sections and gravel path sections. There will be a single wheel pit. Race course will be completely marked by 11:30 AM on November 7th.
Race Regulations: The race will be held under the Manitoba Cycling/CCA/UCI rules. All riders are required to wear a hard-shell ANSI or SNELL approved helmet while racing, warming up, and cooling down. For more details, see MCA website at
Parking: Parking is available on the King George Park parking lot.
Washrooms: Washrooms will be at Windsor Park Golf Course Club House and will be open 11 AM – 5 PM.
The park is a public area. Marshals do not have authority to prevent people from entering. Keep your head up at all times. Be courteous to all park users.
Absolutely no muddy shoes inside the Club House. Also make sure that in case the race course is very muddy that you won’t carry mud on your clothes into the Club House.
No riding on the golf course.