Positive progress for our cycling clubs and programs!
Effective Saturday, June 26th new public health orders will be in effect for the month of July barring any changes in impact due to COVID-19.
The “Manitoba’s One Great Summer Path” press release (available here) noted the following changes:
- public outdoor gathering sizes to increase to 25 persons;
- outdoor dance, music and theatre classes and other organized sport and recreation activities may reopen for groups up to 25 people, with no tournaments allowed
We are waiting for the final wording of the Health Orders in order to get clarity whether we will be able to sanction any form of competition in July.
The good news is that clubs, programs, and training groups can plan to resume training in public spaces, in groups of up to 25 (which includes coaches and ride leaders), as of this Saturday, June 26th.
Full orders here: https://manitoba.ca/asset_library/en/proactive/20212022/orders-soe-06102021.pdf