Commuter Challenge June 1-7

Commuter Challenge Poster

What is it?

Is a week-long event during Canadian Environment Week (June 1–7, 2014)

  • Is a friendly competition between Canadian cities and workplaces
  • Encourages Canadians to leave their cars at home
  • Rewards walking, cycling, carpooling/ride-sharing, taking transit and telecommuting
  • Celebrates active and sustainable transportation


How it Works

You register your workplace and/or yourself before the Commuter Challenge week (June 1-7, 2014)

  • You walk, cycle, carpool, take transit or telecommute during the event week
  • To be included in the final results you need to make at least one sustainable commute during Commuter Challenge week; of course you can commute sustainably every day
  • You log your commute by first signing-in starting June 1, 2014
  • Registration and logging will be accepted until Wednesday, June 11, 2014
  • On your log page, you will see your impacts adding up
  • As a workplace coordinator, you will see all of your workplace results and impacts.
  • Tracked impacts are emission reduction, calorie consumption, distance and fuel cost savings
  • Results are updated daily so you can see which workplaces and cities have the highest percentage of healthy commutersAmanda Kinden 204-925-3779


See how Manitoba is doing against other Provinces:

For more information:


Manitoba Contact: Amanda Kinden at the Green Action Centre/P.  204.925.3779/email: