“Registration Check-in for events and club rides”
- Quickly look up someone to confirm they have the required license or memberships and applicable waivers signed
- Register and/or check them in with one click
- Record and run reports to track who attended and monitor registration and check-in trends and times.
- Connect with the CCN team to learn how this free to use feature can help streamline your onsite check-in and registration. Call 1-866-534-2453
New Event and club kit Integration with Champion System Canada:
CCN and Champion System have joined forces to integrate the order and fulfilment processes. Orders can be automatically transferred to Champion System and the kit orders can then be individually labelled and shipped directly to customers.
Contact CCN or Champion System Canada to learn more about what they can do for your club or event.
New Features! – More tools for race director and timers:
You can now assign participant start times and bib numbers. Contact CCN for further details!
Did you know you can utilize for:
- Your Events and registration process
- Your Clubs and registration process
- Club Donations and fundraising collections
- All MCA affiliated clubs can have a “Club Page” set-up free of charge thru CCN. Please contact CCN at 1-866-534-2453 to find out more details and make your club
More information about CCN’s new features can be found (HERE)….attach newsletter below