REGISTRATION CLOSES AUG 22 at 5pm. First come, first serve !
There will be a BMX clinic offered in Winnipeg the evening of August 23. New riders who would like an introduction to BMX should attend. The clinic is open to ages. The clinic will be limited to 20 participants. Please register by phone.
See Details below.
BMX Clinic
WHERE: North Centennial Recreation and Leisure Center (behind the hockey arena): Address: 90 Sinclair St.
WHEN: 7pm-9pm
WHO: Maximum capacity: 20 participants. First come first serve
HOW: Registration by phone. Call 204-925-5686. Registration will close August 22 at 5pm
MUST HAVE: waiver signed by legal guardian. Please print, complete, and bring to clinic. Click (HERE) to access waiver.
PLEASE BRING: Long pants, full shoes(no sandals,flip/flops), long sleeve shirt preferred.
If you require additional details about this clinic, please contact Rob Nagy via email at
Thank you to our BMX Sponsors..Kali Protectives for supplying BMX helmets and the First Sports Program and the Manitoba Community Services Council Inc. for their contributions towards this initiative.