Thank you to the Canada Games Host Society, FortWhyte Alive, and all of the AMAZING volunteers that brought Bison Butte to life. 3-4 years ago this seemed like an impossible task to some, but vision, perservance, and community support has made the dream a reality.
2012: Alex Man shares his dream vision for a potential Mountain Bike development at the land now known as Bison Butte.
2013: A focus group of MTB representatives is formed to review venue options for the Canada Games. The development of a new course within the city limits is voted as the top pick. Cycling Canada approves the venue for the Games.
2014: A partnership is formed between the Canada Games host society, FortWhyte Alive, and the Manitoba Cycling Association. Alex Man and Matt Hadley from Canmore, Alberta develop course plans.
2015: Curt Hull is selected as project manager. Scatliff+ Miller + Murray, Maple leaf Construction, KGS, the City of Winnipeg, Sustainable trails from Ontario, and many other professionals and experts join the collaboration. Construction Commences.
2016: Volunteer Mondays attract up to 80 volunteers who contribute to the course’s development. A successful Mountain Bike Test Event is held in August.
2017: Months of Preparation go into fine tuning the course.
Friday, July 28th – The Games officially begin
Sunday, July 30th – Mountain Bike Competition #1
We did it!
We hope you will come out to celebrate not only our Games athletes, but a legacy venue that so many of you had a hand in nurturing.
Thank you to everyone for their support, time, energy, sweat, and creativity. You are officially part of Cycling history in Manitoba!