The Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday, October 20th at the Woodhaven Community Centre at 1pm sharp.
- Address: 200 Glendale Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB
- Click (HERE) for Google Map
The time and location are different than previous years for a number of reasons:
- To free up the Banquet from the business side of things;
- To allow time for rural members to travel to Winnipeg for the AGM;
- To combine the AGM with a “Town Hall” discussion for greater feedback and participation
All MCA members are entitled to vote, and those members who live further than 100kms from Winnipeg may assign another MCA member as a “proxy”. Attached is the form that must be used, according to the MCA Constitution, in order to appoint a proxy.
MCA Constitution and By Laws Change
The following changes to the MCA Constitution and By Laws will be presented as 10 separate motions at the MCA AGM on Saturday, October 20th.
Attached is a “side-by-side” document which outlines the motions (highlighted in green), the prior sections, the proposed amendment (highlighted in yellow), and a brief explanation of the amendment. Note that the numbering will have to be revised when the amendments are placed into the full document.
Please let us know if there are further questions about these proposed amendments.
MCA Election of Board Members;
The following Board positions are up for election:
- President – even numbered years
- Mountain Bike Coordinator – even numbered years
- Recreation & Transportation Coordinator – even numbered years
- KOM Program Coordinator – even numbered years
- BMX Coordinator – even numbered years
You must be a member of the MCA to vote. Proxy votes will only be permitted from members residing a distance greater than 100 km from the City of Winnipeg.
Please note, the Awards Banquet will be held separately on November 24th. Details to follow.