Host Club: Alter Ego Cycling Club
Race Organizer: Shawn Zayac
Date: August 15, 2010
Location:Birch Ski Area, Roseisle
Heading West on Hwy 245 look for the Birch Ski Area signs approximately 1km west of the hwy 240 junction, Turn left(south) on Road 40W by the big blue Birch Ski Area sign. Proceed approximately 4Km South on 40W as the road starts to climb turn right (west) on Road 32N. There is also a sign at this intersection for the Birch Ski Area. Follow this road approximately 1.5Km and you will be at the Birch Ski area. Parking will be at the bottom of the valley.
Registration: Online registration. If you do not want to use the online system, download the entry and waiver form and send to Alter Ego (information on the entry form).
Cost: $45 for individual in a team, $55 for solo rider
and Start Times:
: 8:00 – 9:00
Race: 10:00 – 18:00
Awards: 18:45
Course Description: The course will be roughly 7km to 10 km in distance based on a 25min – 30min lap time for an experienced rider.
Information: Washrooms are available on the course. For more information about the course go to the race website