NCCP have added New Courses to the Locker!!!!
- Performance Planning: A competition development course that will be held over four days in three-hour sessions. This module is the perfect next step after the Design a Basic Sport Program module. It is highly recommended that the Developing Athletic Abilities module be taken before the Performance Planning module.
- Make Ethical Decisions: Become fully equipped to handle virtually any ethical situation with confidence. It is one of the NCCP’s cornerstone workshops, leaving coaches with no doubt as to what to do when the going gets tough.
- Planning a Practice: Learn how to organize a well-structured practice plan with safe, age-appropriate activities you’ve designed to match the proficiency level of participants, identify potential risk factors that could impact the sport and practice activities, and more.
- Managing Conflict: Learn how to identify common sources of conflict in sport, determine which individuals or groups are most likely to find themselves in situations involving conflict, hone important skills that will help you prevent and solve conflict, and more.