For all membership inquiries please contact:
Laura Finlay:
If you request is urgent please call the MCA office: 204-925-5686
Friendly reminder: All 2020 licenses (race and non-race memberships) are now digital. A hard card license can be requested through the office for an additional $10.00.
If you are a Club affiliated with the MCA and want to book meeting space at the Sport for Life Centre:
Email your request to Laura Finlay:
Please provide:
- Preferred date
- Meeting start time and end time
- Approx number of attendees
- Special equipment requests: LCD projector, conference phone etc
As part of our club benefits, the MCA provides meeting space to affiliated clubs at the sport for life centre for free. If space is no longer required please ensure you cancel at least 24hours in advance to avoid a no-show billing. Contact the office at 204-925-5686. Thankyou.