2014 KOM Program Registration



For specific registration dates and fees please contact a club KOM coordinator:

Alter Ego Cycling Club KOM – Moni Robertson 204-261-3348

Bikes and Beyond KOM – Phil Roadley 204-669-5590 – PROGRAM FULL FOR 2014

Body Driven KOM (Steinbach) – Jon Thompson

Flaming Cheetahs (Mountain Equipment Coop)  – Jamie Hilland

Olympia Cycle and Ski KOM (St Mary’s Rd location) – Dale Madill 204-489-2331

Portage Junk Yard Dogs KOM (Portage la Praitie) – Adrienne Matthews-McCulley 204-240-2870

Whiteshell Cycling Club KOM (Pinawa) – Mark Tinant

Wolseley Wheels KOM – Charlene Guenter