The primary focus of this program is on engaging more women (target age group is 12-18 years old) in organized cycling in Canada.
Engaging more women is important for both increasing physical activity and increasing Canada’s competitive success rate.
What are the objectives of this program?
- Increase regular and on-going participation of women in organized cycling.
- Address barriers to participation in organized cycling.
- Establish working partnerships with cycling clubs and other organizations to recruit and women.
- Assess results, and create and share a model for female participation with others.
Who can apply?
- MA Affiliated Clubs, with a letter of support from the Manitoba Cycling Association
What level of funding is available?
- Grants from $500 – $3,000
When can I apply?
- From February 1st to March 15th 2012
What must be in the application ?
The name of the local club/organization and a written expression of interest from that club/organization;
- A brief statement outlining what you expect to achieve and how you will achieve it;
- A work plan showing the main activities between March 30, 2012 and October 31,2022;
- A list of specific, measurable deliverables including a target for increased female participation in the activity (e.g. “Increase the number of registered women by X”)
- A draft budget showing the contribution (cash or in-kind) by the local club/organization.
- A draft budget showing how the CCA financial contribution will be used.
If interested please submit your request by email to
Your request will forwarded on your behalf to the Canadian Cycling Assoication for review.