Cycling will be joining the 2012 Powersmart Summer Games to be held in Swan River, Manitoba this coming July 18-21 2012.
Our Goal is to represent Cycling in all 8 Regions in Manitoba.
We have a GREAT team of Coaches forming that represent the Interlake, Central, Eastman, and Winnipeg Regions. THANK – YOU to Jeff Fawcett, Ian Alford, Jonathan Thompson, and Bill Algeo for stepping forward.
We are half way there !
4 More coaches would give us representation across all Regions in Manitoba.
Regions requiring representation are: Westman, Parkland, Norman, and a second coach to cover the Winnipeg region. We will be using a “Fill Policy” to represent these regions. Our goal is to find additional coaches in any one of our regions so that we are able to open up more spots for our athletes to participate.
The mores coaches we have the more development opportunities there will be for our Athletes.
Each regional team will consist of a Coach, Manager, 2 female and 2 male U13 Athletes, and 2 female and 2 male U15 athletes.
To Register please (CLICK HERE)
The application deadline has been extended until this Friday Dec 9, 2012 at 4:00pm.
All applications must be submitted to
We will also be looking for a mechanic and 3 commissaires to work at the games, these applications will come at a later time.
Please come out and join this Great Team of coaches, inspire our youth to compete and have fun, and be part of an exciting Games experience for cycling that we can build upon for the next Summer Games.
Please call the office at 204-925-5686 if you have questions or need clarification.