2012 License/Membership Registration Update

It has been brought to our atttention that some of the UCI/CCA licenses mailed out indicate “British Columbia” on the back of the license (rather than Manitoba). This is a typo that has not effected ALL licenses.   We will be forwarding replacement licenses in the mail  for those licenses effected asap.  Please note that should you be entering a race before your replacement license arrives in the mail you can use your current license or alternatively, the receipt forwarded to you via email from CCN until your license arrives.  Please be assurred that you do have MCA insurance coverage.  Our sincere apologies for this oversight.  Please ensure you call the MCA office for any urgent concerns at 204-925-5686.


We are looking for volunteers to help with license processing over the next 8-10 weeks.  We have 30-40 hours of processing work ahead of us and the more hands we have on deck the quicker you will receive your license.  Please contact the office at 925-5686 if you can spare a few hours.

If you have registered online but have not yet received your license in the mail prior to race day, you need to bring a copy of your receipt to the registration desk on race day.  Please print the receipt forwarded in email from CCN.  This will provide proof of purchase. 

As of April 12:

  • 340 licenses have been processed and mailed
  • 200+ new licenses will be printed and mailed by end of this week
  • 70 licenses are pending (due to photos missing etc)
  • Approx 60% of our anticipated membership have registered
  • Processing of a license takes approx 2mins per transaction after your have registered online.  This time triples for manual license requests. 

Some Friendly Reminders:

1)Please review the following requirements prior to uploading your photo (CLICK HERE).  We require a Head/Shoulder picture in JPEG format with a light or white background (simular to a school or passport photo).

2)If you are purchasing a race license, you need to attach a photo to your registeration before the license can be printed.  This process is new as we have moved to hard-card licenses this year.  If you have registered, but have yet to add a photo please follow this process to add a photo to your registration  (CLICK HERE).

3)If you are signing up for the Kids of Mud (KOM) program, please determine which Kids of Mud Club you will be joining first.  Information on the KOM program can be found at www.kidsofmud.ca.  Please note many of the KOM clubs are already sold out, but you may beable to be put on a waitlist. Please contact the KOM club direct to inquire.

4)The Kids of Mud program have changed their options this year.  You may choose to register your child in the race program on non-race program.  If they are joining the race program your child will have access to all the same training rides as last year.  For more information about the program, what to expect, information about the training schedule etc, please contact your Kids of Mud Club contact.

5)If you experience Technical challenges when registering for a license please call our toll free help line at: 1-888-988-2453.  They will gladly assist you will uploading your photo or helping you with technical questions such as navigation thru the site.

If you don’t have your license in hand prior to race day:

 Once you register online, your receipt will be forwarded to the email address your provided.  Print your receipt and bring to the race as proof that you have purchased a license.

Please Note a processing fee will apply to all MANUAL LICENSES. If you complete your license online the processing fee will be aborbed by the MCA.

Besides the Cost Benefit of registering online, the process to renew your “online” license next year will be extremely simple. The personal information (Phone/email/address etc) will not have to be repeated.  If there are no major changes, you will simply be able to choose “renew”.

Thanks for your support and patience everyone.